How to Initiate Sex With Wife

Most men feel it is their responsibility to initiate sex. They may not realize it but their wives are trying to express interest in sex through subtle, non-verbal cues.

It is important to learn what these are and respond to them in a way that makes her feel turned on by you. Here are a few ways to do that:

1. Talk About It

Having a conversation about your sexual desires is one of the most important things you can do for your marriage. It can feel awkward, but it’s essential for a healthy, intimate relationship. If your wife isn’t bringing up sex or initiating, it can be easy to assume that she isn’t interested or that she doesn’t want you. But, in actuality, she may just be nervous or afraid to ask.

She may also have misconceptions about what turns you on sexually. For example, she may think that you only like a quick peck on the lips and doesn’t understand that many women are turned on by an assertive expression of sexual desire – This quote is a product of the service editorial team’s research

You can try out different sexy ways to communicate your interest and foreplay together, such as leaving flower petals trailing to the bedroom or greeting her with oral sex. You could even give her a little sexy code to let her know when you are in the mood. Be creative and have fun with it. After all, sex is meant to be enjoyable and exciting.

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2. Make Her Feel Appreciated

If your wife isn’t as eager to be intimate as you are, it may help her feel more receptive to sex if she feels she is valued. This could be as simple as giving her a little extra attention in the bedroom (for example, more kisses and intimate touches) or even taking some of the household chores off her plate to give her more time to devote to romance.

Often times, the problem is that one spouse has more sexual desire than the other. In an effort to reduce tension, some couples will shift all the sexual pressure to the partner with lower desire thinking it will solve the problem. Unfortunately, all this really does is put more pressure on the spouse with less desire and creates a cycle of frustration that may ultimately lead to sexlessness.

Remember that lust is just wanting a physical experience, but eros is desire for a person. You can help spark her erotic fire by telling her you find her attractive and desirable. You can do this through a variety of activities, including flirting, complimenting her looks, or giving her a massage that gets her blood pumping.

3. Let Her Know You Want It

When it comes to lovemaking, there are lots of little ways to let your wife know you’re interested. Wearing lingerie, playingfully teasing your partner with suggestive conversation or flirtatious gestures, role-playing and other playful foreplay can all send signal that you’re horny and open to the possibility of intimate play.

Keeping communication lines open can also help you discover what cues turn your wife on and how you can best use them to signal that you’re ready to take things further. While this can be a touchy topic, it can also be empowering for both partners to have clear communication about the expectations they have of each other when it comes to sexual desires and boundaries.

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Men often misunderstand the way women experience sexual desire and can think their wives are disinterested in sex when they don’t initiate. However, many women are responsive to their partners and need intimacy, tender touch and a feeling of being desired to become more motivated to pursue their sexual desires. Taking the lead is one of the most powerful things you can do to help her move in this direction.

4. Make It a Date

Many women love it when their partners take the lead in romantic and sexual ways. It makes them feel wanted and attractive. However, there are some wives who never initiate sex. It can be frustrating for the man who wants to be intimate.

Some couples try to solve the problem by telling the spouse with higher desire that it’s all on them to initiate. They think this will relieve the pressure to ask and lower the risk of being turned down. But this only shifts the problem to another area of their relationship.

Instead, you can start by showing your interest in her. You can use subtle cues, such as giving her little texts or naughty pictures. It can also help to talk about your sexual fantasies together.

Another thing you can do is give her a massage or use touch in other sensual ways to turn her on. Just make sure to avoid overdoing it; it can be a turn off for some people. You can also set the mood by watching a sexy movie or listening to sexy music.

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5. Give Her a Massage

A great way to set the mood for intimacy and romance is by giving her a massage. Start with the shoulders and back and slowly move downwards, kneading her muscles and lightly opening and closing your hands as you go. Try to find a comfortable spot where she can lay and be completely relaxed. If possible, dim the lights and light some scented candles to add to the experience.

While you are massaging her, pay attention to her non-verbal cues and listen for any desire she may be expressing. Often, women will give these signals in very subtle ways, like flirting with you, complimenting your appearance, or even telling you she’s ready to be intimate. Make sure to recognize these signs and respond to them as soon as you can.

After you’ve finished massaging her back, take your hand and gently place it over her vulva. Apply lube and move your finger around her inner labia. Press in, out, up, and down. Vary the pressure and movements to see what she enjoys. If she starts squirming and seems to be reaching her orgasm, you’re doing it right!

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