How to Give a Blowjob For the First Time

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Guys love to be touched in the area between their balls and anus. You can lick, suck, stroke and grind that sweet spot to help them come.

Keep Your Mouth Clean

Blow jobs (or fellatio) are intimate sex that involves stimulating your partner’s dick with your mouth. Often, these sex acts are used as foreplay before penetrative sex, but they can also be the main event. Regardless of how it’s done, it’s important to keep your mouth clean so that you don’t inadvertently contaminate the area or cause any discomfort for your partner.

One of the biggest ways to avoid messing up a blow job is to make sure that your mouth is closed properly. To do this, tense your lips slightly over your teeth to create a tight seal. This will increase the sensations and help you feel closer to your partner’s head.

Another way to increase your pleasure is to pay attention to your partner’s body language. If they are thrusting their hips or quivering in delight, that’s a sign that they’re getting close to climax. It’s your job to make that happen if you want it to, but you shouldn’t force the experience if you don’t have any interest in it.

Of course, there are a lot of things that can go wrong when it comes to giving a blowjob. If you’re not careful, you could end up with a nosebleed or an infection. To prevent this from happening, you should be cautious and use lube to keep the area slippery. You should also wear a condom to protect against STIs.

Read also:  Why Cant I Cum From a Blowjob?

Keep Your Hands Occupied

When you’re learning how to give a blowjob, it’s important to keep your hands busy. This will help you focus on your partner’s pleasure and make the experience more intense. For example, you can rub your hands together, touch his dick, or gently lick the area in front of his anus. Some people find it extremely stimulating to have the skin on the inner and upper thighs touched, as well. This is called edging and can be very orgasmic for some people.

Remember to use a condom when giving your partner a blowjob. This is essential to ensure STI prevention and safety, as some STIs can be present in semen. You can even find flavored condoms to increase excitement and make the experience more fun.

While you’re giving your partner a blow job, don’t forget to talk to them. This will add to the sexual experience and will make them feel loved and desired. You can also try making noises like moans or groans. If you’re feeling brave, you can even try asking them to cum in your mouth.

While it’s tempting to go for the gusto and lick, stroke, or bite your partner’s penis, it’s important to listen to their signals and to stay safe. If they are pleading for you to stop, it’s probably best not to do so.

Read also:  How to Spice Up a Blowjob

Be Gentle With Your Partner

Blow jobs are the wild west of sex acts. The only rule is that you must put the penis in your mouth and then you can lick, stroke, kiss, grind on, or blow on it – whatever you and your partner like. Keep the pace comfortable and don’t go too deep, it’s not worth choking or coughing!

While you’re giving your partner a blowjob, make it a full-body experience by stimulating other erogenous zones. For example, rub her legs and thigh areas, lick and stroke her inner thighs, or play with her anal area. It’s also a good idea to try adding a sex toy or vibrator to the mix, as this can add extra pleasure for both of you.

Remember to speak softly and gently – smacking, shouting, and swearing can be really turn-offs. And, it’s important to note that not all women enjoy getting blowjobs (or oral sex for that matter).

If she tells you she doesn’t like it, accept her boundaries and move on. If you feel this is something you will always struggle with, then discuss it with her openly. This is how you will learn to understand her, and it might even lead to alternative ways of sexing that are equally as hot if swallowing semen isn’t your thing.

Be Patient

If she’s not enjoying it, don’t force it. It can be very uncomfortable for her if you go too quickly and she’s not in the mood for it. Instead, try to build up the experience with foreplay like kissing and touching her. The more she enjoys the foreplay, the more likely she is to want a blowjob later on.

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Remember that oral sex takes time to get into the groove of. Don’t rush it or she may become uncomfortable and will probably stop giving you a blowjob. Instead, take your time and play with the other parts of her body as well. This is a great opportunity to play with her scrotum and anus as well as her penis. A lot of guys love to touch those areas and it’s a turn on for most girls.

Finally, don’t make it a power struggle. If she doesn’t want to give you a blowjob, there’s nothing wrong with that. She has her own reasons for not wanting it, and you should respect that. It’s also important to remember that a blowjob isn’t a magic button that makes her cum instantly. It takes work and effort on both parties to make it happen.

Some girls use a blowjob as a way to control their partner and keep them down. In these situations, the girl will hold off her blowjob to prevent the man from having sex with other people. In these instances, it’s important to know that she may be playing you.

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