How to Get a Girl to Have Sex With You

Some girls take time to be ready for sex. It’s important to build trust and intimacy before you start talking about sex.

Kiss her, and explore different erogenous zones. This will ignite her sex drive and make her horny.

Girls who don’t feel attracted to you won’t have sex with you.

1. Make her feel comfortable

One of the biggest brakes to a girl wanting sex with you is not feeling comfortable around you. This could be because she feels like she doesn’t know you very well, or she is worried that you won’t be able to protect her against pregnancy and STIs if she says yes to sex.

Making her feel at ease by complimenting her, expressing interest in her and being open and honest with her, will help her to build trust in you which can be a huge turn on. She will also feel like you understand her and that you’re not judging her which can help make her more willing to be vulnerable with you and open up.

Physical comfort is also a major turn on for most women, so start small and move things up a notch. Don’t wait for her to initiate sexual foreplay with you. You can start with licking her arm or shoulder, or you could play with her hair. For more foreplay, you could try stroking her thigh or hand with your fingers and then using your tongue to stroke the length of her vulva – flicking it in and out, pressing firmly and lisping gently.

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Be careful not to overdo the stroking and be too rough, as this can make her feel uncomfortable. Just be subtle enough to let her see that you’re confident and masculine but still playful and fun.

2. Do the talking

It’s important to communicate well with your girl if you want her to get sexually aroused around you. This includes talking about your feelings and expressing your desires to her in a romantic way. This will help her to feel connected and close to you, which is a key component of sexual attraction.

In addition, talking to her about your mutual interests and goals will show her that you’re a reliable person. She may be nervous about having sex with you for the first time, and she’ll be looking for someone who can be there for her. You can show her how dependable you are by being punctual and following through on your promises.

If you’re ready to take it a step further, you can ask her if she wants to have sex with you. However, make sure to ask her in a non-threatening way so that she feels comfortable giving you yes or no answer. This can be as simple as asking if she would like to “go all the way” on your next date. Alternatively, you can start to talk about more physical activities and invite her to your place for some fun in the bedroom. Lastly, be sure to give her lots of kisses and use physical touch to build up tension. This will make her want you even more.

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3. Make her want to get to know you

One of the biggest mistakes you can make with a girl is being overly eager to get intimate. If you’re always dropping sexy pick-up lines, asking her if she wants to have sex, or telling her about your fantasies, it can quickly turn her off. Instead, focus on getting to know her and fostering an emotional connection with her.

Ask her deep questions about herself and truly listen to her answers. You may find that she’s more open to intimacy than you thought, or she might lead you in a different direction entirely. Be confident in your interactions with her and never treat her like a doormat or sleazebag. Do not stalk her or constantly text or call her – this will be overkill. Instead, be subtle with your flirting and try to turn her on over the course of the day by sending her cute messages that aren’t overtly sexual but hint at your interest in her.

Being chivalrous is another way to show her that you respect her and want to make her feel special. This can be as simple as complimenting her on her eyes or putting your hand on her arm. If she pulls back, don’t push it – she’s probably testing you to see what her boundaries are. Once she’s comfortable, slowly start to touch her more – but always with her consent.

4. Get her alone time

As she becomes more interested in you, it is only natural that her thoughts will turn to sex. Don’t be afraid to let her know that you are open to indulging her sexual fantasies. Try watching porn together or gifting her a book of erotic stories. She will be impressed that you are open to new experiences in the bedroom and she’ll start thinking of you more and more in that way as well.

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However, don’t be tempted to initiate sex with her every time she says she wants alone time. It’s important to remember that she is not asking for sex because she feels insecure or bored. Rather, she may be feeling like she needs some space from you to explore other interests, take care of a health concern or even just to relax and recharge.

It is also important to remember that women and men are very different when it comes to what turns them on. While most guys are turned on by visuals (like a hot body or sexy clothes) women tend to be more turned on by what they feel and think about (e.g. romantic movies, her thoughts about you, a warm bath, candles, music, sexy memories, massages and getting a bit tipsy). Knowing these differences is key to taking advantage of them and helping her turn on herself.

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