Can Having Sex Stop Your Period?

If you are comfortable with your partner and have a good communication flow, having sex on your period is safe. It is a common practice for many consenting adults.

There are several benefits to having period sex: Extra lubrication (a big perk), reduced menstrual cramps, and orgasm. But it’s also important to remember that STDs can still be transmitted.

1. Increased lubrication

Adding lube to your bedroom activities is an easy way to increase sexual pleasure. However, many people find that they don’t need lubrication as much during their periods because menstrual blood acts as natural lubricant. This makes orgasms even more pleasurable.

Plus, orgasms release endorphins, which can ease period cramping and mood swings. Some women also report that they have more sex drive during their periods – This detail is a direct extract from the service’s intensive studies That’s because ovulation usually occurs mid-cycle, and hormone fluctuations can cause a heightening of libido.

If you want to try having sex during your period, be sure to use protection to avoid pregnancy and STIs. It’s possible to get pregnant from unprotected period sex, because sperm can live in the vagina for up to five days. However, if you’re using birth control pills or a condom, it’s very unlikely that you will become pregnant.

Having sex during your period can be messy, especially if you have a heavy flow. But if you and your partner are both comfortable with it, there’s nothing wrong with trying it. Spreading a dark-colored towel on the bed and using sex positions that work with gravity (like missionary and spooning) can help minimize the mess. In addition, having a menstrual cup or tampon in place can decrease the risk of messy accidents. But remember, it’s always a good idea to wear a condom during sex to prevent STIs like HIV and hepatitis.

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2. Relief from menstrual cramps

A lot of women worry that having sex with their partners while they’re on their periods will cause pain, but it can actually relieve cramping and other PMS symptoms. That’s because orgasming releases a natural painkiller called endorphins that can help dull the menstrual cramps you usually get when you’re on your period. Plus, you don’t need to have partnered sex to feel these benefits; solo sex can also give you relief from your menstrual cramps and headaches.

Another thing that can make sex painful is semen, which contains something called prostaglandin and some people are sensitive to it. Semen can also cause cysts, which are little growths on your ovaries that can cause painful cramping when they burst.

But if you have an orgasm, that can cause your uterus to contract and expels blood and the lining of your uterus faster than it would on its own, which can ease cramping. Plus, if you’re able to find a position that puts less pressure on your cervix during sex or masturbation, that can also reduce cramping.

There is no way that sex will delay your period, but if you are very aroused (even if you don’t have an orgasm) it can cause your hormones to get all jazzed up and can temporarily push back your period. Of course, pregnancy can also push back your period, so be sure to take a pregnancy test before you plan any sex.

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3. Increased sex drive

Many people find that their sex drive is higher during their period, especially when they have a good partner. This is because arousal can cause a release of the hormone oxytocin, which enhances trust and romantic attraction. It can also cause a surge in certain hormones like testosterone and luteinizing hormone, which promotes ovulation.

This boost in sex drive can make for more exciting sex, and extra lubrication (thanks, menstrual blood!) also helps to increase pleasure. It can also help to shorten your period, as climaxing during an orgasm can contract the muscles in your uterus and speed up the shedding of the lining.

However, it is important to note that if you find your sex drive is lower than usual during your period, it could be a sign of underlying issues in your relationship. These can include a lack of communication, unresolved conflicts or sexual dysfunction. If this is the case, it’s best to speak with a couples therapist or pelvic floor physical therapist.

Having sex during your period doesn’t affect how much you bleed, and it doesn’t change the timing of your next period. However, it may delay your next period by up to a day, as sexual arousal causes a temporary spike in hormones. If you’re tracking your cycle with Clue, you’ll be able to see when you experience this effect.

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4. Increased sexual satisfaction

A good orgasm can help your period end sooner, because each contraction helps expel the uterine lining. This can lead to more enjoyable sex for both partners, especially if the woman is using a lubricant, which can increase the sensations of sexual pleasure and speed up the shedding of blood.

Another reason having sex during your period can be more satisfying is that it makes you more open to trying new positions in the bedroom. For example, a woman who is usually very shy about experimenting with new positions might be more willing to try them during her period. This could be a great opportunity for couples to talk about their sexual desires and find out what works best for them.

However, not everyone will feel comfortable or safe engaging in sex during their period. It is also important to remember that having unprotected sex while on your period increases the risk of transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like HIV and herpes. If you plan on having sex during your period, it is important to use contraception and talk to your partner about what feels comfortable for you.

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