How to Increase Sex Drive While Breastfeeding

Breast/chestfeeding can be physically draining, but it’s also emotional and psychologically challenging. And it can impact libido.

With lowered estrogen, vaginal dryness and leaky breasts, it’s no wonder many women have low libido while breastfeeding.

But libido can come back, even during weaning. Here are some tips: 1. Start with intimate touching and foreplay. 2. Use plenty of lubrication.

1. Practice self-love

Several factors contribute to new moms experiencing low libido. Hormones certainly play a role, but so do lack of sleep and fatigue. In addition, many women experience a change in their identity as a mother, and this can also affect their desire for intimacy.

Breastfeeding involves a special hormone called oxytocin. It’s often referred to as the “love hormone” because it causes new moms to really want to cuddle their babies. It’s also the hormone that triggers milk letdown and the sensation of a woman’s breasts leaking during orgasm. While this is wonderful for the breastfeeding relationship, it’s not always so great for the sex drive.

Breastfeeding also causes low levels of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, which can reduce a woman’s interest in sex. However, these hormones are generally restored as a woman weans her baby and stops breastfeeding. For this reason, it’s important to talk openly with your partner about the way that breastfeeding can impact your sexual interest. Having an honest conversation will help your partner understand what is happening and can actually make the situation more romantic.

2. Talk to your partner

If your partner is struggling with their desire to make love due to breastfeeding, talk to them about it. It can help to bring the issue out in the open and explore other ways of connecting and intimately bonding. You can also try using products that increase vaginal slipperiness or lubrication during intercourse to improve your experience and increase the likelihood of successful sex.

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Having a baby is hard work, and it’s not uncommon for women to experience a drop in libido during breastfeeding. But, it’s important to remember that this is temporary and a natural part of the process.

It’s also worth remembering that it is not only breastfeeding that can impact a woman’s libido, but other aspects of life can cause a decrease in sexual drive. Fatigue, the lack of sleep that accompanies many new babies, and the physical pain caused by carrying around and sleeping in different positions can all negatively impact a woman’s desire for intimacy. In addition, hormonal changes can have an effect, including increased prolactin and oxytocin during breastfeeding which can have positive effects on a woman’s libido.

3. Get a good night’s sleep

As any new mom knows, breastfeeding is exhausting. Waking up every two or three hours to feed a baby can take a lot out of you. That, plus a general lack of sleep, can really do a number on libido.

The good news is that libido can return after breastfeeding, but it takes some work to get there. The hormone prolactin cranks up to support milk production, pushing down estrogen levels, which can dampen sexual desire. In addition, breasts often feel full and pendulate, which is less than a sexy sensation.

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Fortunately, there are ways to boost libido while breastfeeding, including exercise, eating well, and making time for intimacy with your partner. But, before trying any supplements or herbal remedies, like Olly Lovin Libido, talk to your healthcare provider. They can help ensure that your supplement is safe for breastfeeding mothers and monitor your milk supply. They can also recommend alternative strategies to help increase libido, such as doing Kegel exercises and practicing meditation or yoga. They can also suggest a low-sugar diet to help keep your blood sugar stable.

4. Exercise

If you’re breastfeeding, it can feel like your libido is in a slump. It’s a completely normal feeling, and there are lots of reasons why it happens. For one, you’re probably tired from the day-to-day demands of motherhood and sleep deprivation. Plus, you’re probably not in the mood for nipple play because your breasts are engorged and hurting.

In addition, your hormone levels are all over the place. The hormone prolactin peaks during pregnancy to stimulate your breasts to make milk, but it also pushes down estrogen levels and dampens sexual desire. On the other hand, the hormone oxytocin peaks during nursing and can give you a great sense of pleasure and bonding.

All of this is a recipe for losing interest in sex, especially if you’re dealing with the added stress of a new baby or a difficult delivery. Luckily, there are some easy ways to boost your sex drive while breastfeeding. You just need to be patient and know that your libido will eventually return to where it was before you had the baby.

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5. Eat well

While breastfeeding is amazing, it can also affect a woman’s libido negatively. During lactation, a mother’s body is flooded with hormones that suppress the regular menstrual cycle and can lead to low libido. As baby eats solid foods, these hormone levels will decrease and should normalize in time. Once this happens, a new mom’s libido should return to normal.

Increased oxytocin levels that occur during breastfeeding can also have an effect on a woman’s libido. This hormone is key for maternal bonding but can also result in excessive cuddles and leave a new mom feeling exhausted or over-touched before her baby is even in bed for the night. It can also cause leaking breasts during intimacy, which can be embarrassing or uncomfortable.

Practicing self-love, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and communicating with your partner can all boost your libido. You should also make sure to drink plenty of water and eat a well-balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, protein, and healthy fats. If you’re interested in using a supplement to help boost your libido, be sure to talk with your doctor first. They can advise you on safe supplements that won’t interfere with breastfeeding.

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