How Does Exercise Increase Sex Drive?

Regular exercise helps reduce the risk of serious health conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes, and can also improve libido. HelloGiggles spoke to experts to find out how and why exercise impacts libido.

Women and men need to exercise regularly to help boost libido. Cardiovascular exercise (like running, swimming and cycling) is good for this, as are Kegel exercises and planks.

Increased Blood Flow to Genitals

Regular exercise boosts blood flow to the genitals, which can help stimulate libido. It also helps manage health issues like diabetes and atherosclerosis that can negatively impact libido. Lastly, exercise reduces stress, which can be a big factor in low libido for both women and men.

For women, one of the reasons that exercise improves libido is because it strengthens the pelvic floor muscles. These muscles are essential for sexual function and can help increase orgasms during sex, as well as reduce pain during intercourse. Some exercises that are helpful for strengthening these muscles include Kegel exercises, sit-ups, plank, squats, and jumping exercises.

When it comes to men, the main way that exercise increases libido is because it boosts testosterone levels. Testosterone plays a huge role in libido, so when it drops, your libido can take a hit. Exercise is a great way to increase your testosterone levels, and this can have an immediate impact on libido.

Additionally, aerobic exercise, such as running or swimming, can also increase blood flow to the genitals. This can help promote arousal during sex and enhance lubrication during intercourse. Studies have shown that aerobic activity can also lead to healthy weight loss, which is another big contributor to libido in both men and women. This is because excess weight can negatively affect the body’s blood flow and hormone levels.

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Increased Endorphin Levels

The endorphins your body releases during exercise are not only great for making you feel good, but they can also boost your sexual energy. Studies show that both men and women who regularly do cardiovascular exercise, such as running or swimming, have higher libido than those who don’t exercise. One of the reasons for this is that cardiovascular exercise increases blood flow to the pelvic region, which can help your libido. Adding pelvic floor exercises like Kegels to your workout can further increase libido, especially if you’re doing them right before sexual activity.

It’s also important to remember that your libido can be hugely impacted by general lifestyle choices (sleep, diet, alcohol), and if you’re partnered, your relationship. If you’re noticing a decrease in your libido, it may be best to talk with your doctor instead of self-prescribing more or less exercise, as they might be able to run some tests to determine what is causing the dip.

Moderate exercise is a great way to get your body prepped for sex, and resistance training can be just as effective as cardio for boosting your libido. Just be sure to avoid overdoing it, as an injury can seriously dampen your libido.

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Boosted Self-Esteem

It’s no secret that regular exercise helps to build muscle, burn fat and improve overall health. But did you know that it also boosts your libido? According to studies, getting some cardio or weight training can rev your libido and help you feel more confident about yourself. This confidence can have a positive impact on your life both in and out of the bedroom.

Exercise increases blood flow to the pelvic region, which can boost libido in both men and women. In addition, it can increase pleasure for both men and women during sexual activity. It’s important to note that moderate exercise is best, and too much exercise can actually have a negative impact on libido.

Additionally, exercise can help combat issues like stress and anxiety that are known to negatively impact libido. And, if you are taking any medication that inhibits arousal (like antidepressants), then exercising regularly can help you reduce or even eliminate those medications and increase your libido.

It’s important to find an exercise that you enjoy and stick with it. This can be anything from a quick walk to hitting the gym for a sweaty workout session. It’s also important to remember that exercise doesn’t always have to be a structured workout, and activities like dancing, playing with your kids or pets, or a quick yoga flow can all be great options for moving your body.

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Reduced Stress

The physical benefits of exercise are numerous: increased cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure and weight loss. The psychological benefits are also considerable. Studies have shown that regular exercise improves mood and boosts self-esteem, making people feel more confident. That confidence, in turn, increases libido.

In addition, exercises like running and cycling help to reduce stress. Stress is a hugely contributing factor to low libido, particularly in men. Studies have shown that even short bursts of exercise, such as a walk or run, can significantly boost libido for both women and men.

Besides, exercise is a great way to relieve stress and depression, which are known to decrease libido. In fact, exercise is often recommended as a supplement for antidepressants and other psychiatric medications.

While exercising is great for overall sexual wellbeing, it is important to talk to your doctor before changing up your workout routine. Over-training can lead to low libido, as well as many other health issues. For this reason, it is important to prioritise recovery protocols and make sure you have enough rest in between your Peloton sessions or trail runs.

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