The Best Time to Have Sex

Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to sex, and that’s OK. But for those who want to boost their libido, timing is everything.

Researchers say the best time to have sex is in the morning. That’s because people’s energy levels are highest right after waking up. And sex is more likely to induce an orgasm if it’s done before food.

1. Morning

The morning is a great time for sex because it floods the body with feel-good hormones, making you and your partner feel connected and happy all day. Plus, “the release of these hormones helps to reduce stress levels,” a gynecologist and author explains.

Men’s testosterone levels are at their highest in the early to mid-morning, which can help boost libido. And if you’re thinking about getting pregnant, having sex in the morning can also help your odds of success because it increases the production of sperm-boosting ovarian hormones.

However, having sex in the morning might not be ideal for some couples, especially those with young kids or mismatched work schedules. In those cases, sex therapists suggest mixing things up and finding other ways to connect in the morning. For example, instead of bouncing up and down, try rocking back and forth or swiveling your hips to increase the sensation.

Another good time for sex is the afternoon. According to a supplement company, it’s when people have the most sexual energy because they haven’t yet eaten and aren’t exhausted from a long day at work. Plus, men’s estrogen levels hit a peak in the late afternoon and make them more emotionally attuned to their partners, while women experience a spike in the hormone cortisol around then as well.

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2. Afternoon

Lots of advice on sex and romance involves making an effort, like buying nice lingerie or going out for a romantic dinner. But that’s all time consuming and expensive, and it can be hard to fit in during the day with work and family schedules. Instead, sex expert Alisa Vitti suggests something much simpler: three o’clock in the afternoon. She says that’s when women’s hormones are peaking. This means they’re feeling horny and wanting to give it all away, and they’re more emotionally present during sex.

For men, the afternoon is also a good time. That’s because their testosterone levels are higher than they are in the morning, sex expert Kongit Farrell says. Plus, they get a second orgasm later in the day, which is also great for them.

It’s important to note that the best time of day to have sex may vary depending on your age, according to sleep and body expert Dr Paul Kelley. He told the Daily Mail that different times of the day are better for each decade of life. For people in their twenties, the best time is around three o’clock, when the body’s libido is at its highest. People in their thirties should have sex earlier, around 8:20am, because of a shift in the body clock. And for those in their fifties, they should have sex before 10pm because they’ll need to go to bed early.

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3. Night

When it comes to sex, everyone has their own schedule and preferences. Some people find sex most enjoyable in the morning, while others prefer nighttime romps. If you’re struggling with finding the best time to have sex, try mixing things up a bit and see what works best for you and your partner(s).

Men crave sex in the early or mid-morning due to their natural testosterone peak. However, if you’re not an early riser and need more energy, afternoon sex might be better for you. During this time, both women and men have higher energy levels than any other point in the day. They also tend to be more relaxed and less occupied with chores and obligations.

The most romantic time of the day is right before bed, as oxytocin, which facilitates love and bonding between partners1, is released in your body. This makes you more receptive to feelings of attraction and arousal.

If you’re a woman, the day before your period is one of the best times to have sex. This is because your blood pressure is lower and you’re more likely to experience mind-bending orgasms, according to sex and relationship expert Laurie Watson. Plus, retaining water may cause your vulva and clitoris to feel more sensitive, making them even more sexy.

4. Other

There isn’t a lot of research on sex timing, but the little that exists suggests a few things. It might help if you and your partner try to find the best time to have sex for your unique situations. For example, if you are trying to get pregnant it’s best to conceive when you are ovulating or within the days leading up to it. Sperm only live for a few days, and an egg can only be fertilized in the first 24 hours of its release from the ovary, so having sex at these times maximizes your chances of pregnancy.

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You may also want to consider when you feel most connected with your partner — that is, at what point you feel your bond tighten, and the desire for physical intimacy intensify. For many couples, this can happen in the morning. And you might want to avoid having sex right after eating, as this can make it more difficult for sperm to enter the cervix.

Other factors also play a role, like your energy levels, and the kind of intimacy you want (like oral or anal). And of course, there’s the fact that as you age, your fertility declines. That said, it’s not always necessary to strategize sex timing, especially if you are already having sex regularly and aren’t trying to conceive.

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