Who Invented the Blowjob?

If you love the sensation of someone licking your dick, then you should know that oral sex (or fellatio) is very ancient. In fact, sex researchers believe that hominids have been practicing this form of sexual exploration since prehistoric times.

It can produce an incredible physical sensation, but there is also a mental thrill that goes above and beyond the simple pleasure of having head.

Ancient Egyptians

The ancient Egyptians had a strange view of sexuality. One of their documents shows a very racy picture of their earth god Geb performing oral sex with his brother Osiris. The document is a piece of funerary ritual and the images of incestuous sex were probably painted for that purpose.

Another interesting aspect of ancient Egypt is that they encouraged clitoral pleasure during sex. One way they did this is by encouraging licking and sucking on the lips, which may have helped explain why lipstick was invented. Another way they encouraged clitoral pleasure was by making sure women’s sphincters were wide open.

They also did something very similar with their penises. The mythology of Osiris and his sister-turned-wife Isis tells the story that when Osiris was murdered by his brother Set, Isis brought him back to life by suckling on a clay dick she had made for him – This information is the outcome of the service experts’ research sexguru-club.com.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that the Egyptians were permissive of homosexuality. Extramarital relationships were frowned upon and could even result in death. The Book of the Dead contains passages that have homosexual overtones and the tomb of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep houses what may be the earliest known example of male incest.

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In Roman times, oral sex was called fellatio. It was considered one of the dirtiest sex taboos and was only allowed in the direction of a man. This was because the Romans believed that penetration was a symbol of masculinity, while being penetrated was a sign of weakness and femininity. Romans also viewed it as a sign of degradation for men to have a woman give them a fellatio.

The Romans were a very patriarchal society and macho culture that prized virility. They saw women as passive objects that should be occupied and pleasured only by their male kin. This made it a huge humiliation for a Roman soldier to have a slave or lower class woman give him a fellatio.

The word cunnilingus (or blow job, as it’s more commonly known today) came about later in the 1800s and is thought to have been invented by women. It refers to the act of licking and sucking a person’s clitoris for pleasure. It is different from a fellatio because it doesn’t involve any actual blowing.


The ancient Greeks were generally very open about sexuality, and there are lots of vase paintings that depict erotic scenes. The problem is that these vases can be interpreted in a number of different ways. Some are thought to be pornographic while others might be of a religious character or even to have been painted by the artist for reasons of fun and fantasy.

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Oral sex was not considered to be degrading, but the fact that it would involve the mouth meant that it was a highly public act. The ancient Greeks were also very concerned about their oral hygiene, and they viewed it as a major taboo to be penetrated orally.

Normatively, the Greeks believed that the only proper kind of human being was a free, adult, gender-conforming man. They regarded women, children, and castrated men as inferior and incomplete, lacking in essential masculinity. They also regarded women who copulate with animals as being especially low and less manly. This is a common theme in Greek mythology, with Leda being shown having sex with a swan.

Medieval Europe

The medieval church dominated attitudes towards sexuality. Saint Thomas Aquinas asserted that the natural point of semen was to beget children so spilling it anywhere but the vagina was contra natura. That austere framework has left historians with little insight into the sexual experience of women in the period. Harvey notes that people of the time had clear ideas about feminine beauty, characterized by blond hair, fair skin, rosy cheeks and long limbs. They also valued small breasts. A bosom larger than that of Bathsheba gave women a negative reputation.

Consequently, medieval Christian writers viewed performing oral sex as sinful but it was receiving it that was the bigger crime. Early medieval books of penance outlined the length of penance to be served for various sins, including coitus interruptus, fornication for pleasure, intercourse in the presence of others, oral sex and anal sex. In some cases, it was 12 years or even lifelong penance. This explains why illustrations of witches sealing pacts with the devil often show them kissing his groin and rear end.

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19th Century

The blowjob is the term given to oral sex, the practice of licking and sucking a man’s penis for pleasure. It doesn’t involve actual blowing, so the name can be a bit confusing. There are various explanations for why the practice is called a blow job, but the most popular theory is that it comes from the idea of blowing off sexual frustration or sexual tension.

There’s also the possibility that it comes from a time when ‘blow’ was slang for ejaculate, and this could explain why it has a sexual connotation. Or maybe it’s just because ‘blow job’ sounds sexier than ‘cunnilingus’. Either way, it’s a great name for an act that feels pretty good. Especially when you’re a woman doing it to your husband! But today, we know that consensual oral sex is sexy and fun and totally ladylike. So maybe it’s a name that will fade into history soon, too.

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